Sunday, March 2, 2008

My First 24 hours

Hello, everyone. This is Paul E. Tishen here coming to you live from Edwin's Explorer. I recently emerged from my womb (package) after some of Edwin's friends delivered me (opened my packaging). They were taking part in an activity called Geocaching and found me in one of their trips. I'm still shaky on the details of what that is, but I do know it involved 4 people. I spent the night wedged in a seat in this position:
It was not very comfortable and I think I am to blame a "Zach" for doing this to me. I think Edwin will show me around to get me acquainted with all of my new settings and I will be sure to keep you all updated on my experiences. Here are some thing he showed me so far today.There are much roomier areas in the car other than jammed under a head rest.

I hope to discover other worlds just like this in the weeks and months to come. Please send me any idea you have for where I should go next! Thanks to Edwin for taking the pictures of me and for typing up my blog entry. Typing is very difficult for me since my hands are fused with my midsection.


1 comment:

Hawkrew said...

He surely felt comfortable in the headrest. I mean, his entire existence has been inside a sealed plastic package.